Vol. 11 No. 1, March 2019
- Time Aware Hybrid Hidden Markov Models for Traffic Congestion Prediction John FW Zaki, Amr M.T. Ali-Eldin, Sherif E. Hussein, Sabry F. Saraya, and Fayez F. Areed (Computer Engineering and Control Systems Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.1] )
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- Energy Scheduling of Residential Appliances by a Pigeon-Inspired Algorithm under a Load Shaping Demand Response Program Sandeep Kakran1 and Saurabh Chanana2 (1,2Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, [DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.2])
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- Bit-Parallelism Score Computation with Multi Integer Weight Setyorini1,3, Kuspriyanto1, Dwi Hendratmo Widyantoro1, and Adi Pancoro2 (1School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia 2School of Life Sciences & Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia 3School of Computing, Telkom University, Indonesia[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.3])
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- A Novel Reduced-Rule Fuzzy Logic Based Self-Supported Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Mitigating Diverse Power Quality Problems Shubhendra Pratap Singh1, Abdul Hamid Bhat1, and Arfat Firdous2 (1Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, Kashmir, India 2Department of Physics, Islamia College of Science & Commerce Srinagar, Kashmir, India[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.4]
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- Modelling And Control of 6MG Siemens Wind Turbine Blades Angle and Rotor Speed Seyed Mahyar Mehdizadeh moghadam1, Esmail Alibeiki1, and Alireza Khosravi2 (1Department of Electrical Engineering, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran 2Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.5]
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- Individual Verifiability Metric in e-Voting System Teguh Nurhadi Suharsono, Kuspriyanto, and Budi Rahardjo (School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.6])
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- Duty Cycle Control on Compressor of Split Air Conditioners Using Internet of Things Embedded in Fuzzy-PID Husein1,2, Maman Budiman1, and Mitra Djamal1 (1Department of Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia 2Department of Physics, Haluoleo University Kendari, Indonesia[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.7]
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- Collision-Free Coverage Control of Swarm Robotics Based on Gaussian Process Regression to Estimate Sensory Function in non-Convex Environment Yaqub Aris Prabowo and Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono (Control and Computer Systems Research Group, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.8])
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- A Golden Section Search Algorithm Based Loss Minimization for Induction Motor Drive Kirti Rai, Subodh Behari Lal Seksena, and Amarnath Thakur (Electrical and Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, India[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.9]
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- Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Lead-Lag Power System Stabilizer for Improve Stability in Multi-Machine Power System Nader M.A. Ibrahim1, Basem E. Elnaghi2, Hamed A. Ibrahem3, and Hossam E.A. Talaat4 (1Electrical Department, Faculty of Industrial Education, Suez University, Suez, Egypt 2Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt 3Electrical Department, Faculty of Industrial Education, Suez University, Suez, Egypt 4Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering-Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.10]
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- A Hybrid Cross Coupling - Master Slave Technique for Speed Synchronization of Multi PMSMs System Using PID Controller and On-Line Master Selector Kristian Ismail1,2, Tri Desmana Rachmildha1, Estiko Rijanto2, and Yanuarsyah Haroen1 (1Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung, Indonesia 2Indonesian Institute of Science, Komplek LIPI Jl. Sangkuriang, Bandung, Indonesia[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.11]
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- Optimized Price Based Frequency Regulation of Multi Area Restructured Power System with Wind Energy Conversion System Shital M. Pujara1 and Chetan. D. Kotwal2 (1Research Scholar EE. Dept., Charusat University, Gujarat, India 2Professor & Head EE. Dept., SVIT, Vasad, Gujarat, India[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.12]
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- Hybrid Modified Evolution Strategies and Linear Programming for Beef Cattle Feed Optimization Tirana Noor Fatyanosa1, Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy1, and Marjuki2 (1Faculty of Computer Science, Brawijaya University, INDONESIA 2Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University, INDONESIA[DOI Number:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.1.13]
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